Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Wonderful Wednesday!

Hello everyone!  This week the kiddos have been in camp so I have accomplished much in my craft room.  The first project that I want to share with you is my very first Mini-album.  I am usually a double page spread girl, however I thought that I would give the mini version a try.  I went into this not knowing what I wanted to put into the mini but decided to do the time I spent in the hospital with daughter right after she was born.

I used the Dream Pop paper that I had left over from our May Constant campaign.  I first set up a project in Craft Room and decided on a size for the album.  I then made 9 layers and in each layer I had a variety of shapes that I wanted to be part of my album.  If you would like a copy of the Craft Room file just email me and let me know.
Then I cut out all my layers, each layer in a different B&T or cardstock sheet from Dream Pop.  Then I scored each piece that was going to become a page where I wanted it folded, not necessarily in the middle.  Layer 1 and 2 are the cover they need to be in the middle.  To get the ribbon secure, I used liquid glass and sandwiched one length of ribbon in between the two layers.  Then I layered my pages in the order that I wanted making sure the I assembled the envelope for the middle of the album first. 
Next, I clothes pined the layers together to help them from shifting as I sewed the album together.  Then using my stylus and pad and a tapestry needle and grey bakers twine I sewed it together.  The trick is to punch the hole and then take the stitch, then punch the next hole - next stitch;  you get the idea.  See below!
 Once I was all the way across I tied it off and left a short tail.  Then I glued in some of the other shapes and put the whole thing closed under some heavy books overnight to fully dry.

The next day, I picked my pictures and placed them in the album embellishing as I went.  I also went back to Craft Room and designed the title and some letters and dates for the inside.  Done!


I really like the result and it will be nice to look at with Daughter.

Here is the middle with the envelope closed, I used hook and loop dots.  Inside is a larger picture and some journaling.

For my workshop and if I decide to do another in the future I think that I will use either narrower ribbon or cut the ribbon I used in half so that the bow is not so overwhelming.

If you would like to make your own let me know and I will show you how!

There are also new classes posted here.

Happy Crafting!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Canvas Art Workshop


I hope you are in a part of the country that is starting to cool down.  The kids were actually able to play outside for a little while this morning.  After the rough last week, I/we are doing much better.  I got some time this week to complete another older WOTG layout and the art canvas workshop that is on special for July only.  Check out the post here.  First the layout:

This is the main layout from the Clementine WTOG.  I didn't really like the alternative layout so I am looking for suggestions, just comment below with a link.
I also had time to complete the Art Canvas workshop, mostly because it only took me about 15 minutes to do.  The directions were great and what took the longest was picking out the pictures and fighting with my liquid glass that seems to always clog when I need it.

Just a couple of notes:  The direction say to use the pigment ink, I didn't have any and so I used the regular chocolate ink pad and really like the result.  I also used only liquid glass although the directions do say that you can also use foam tape too.  Finally, it is easier if you have your pictures picked out because of the way that it goes together, but if you wanted to have interchangeable pictures I would use the foam tape on the frames and slip the pictures in behind after the fact.
If you would like to make your own just click here, and join the monthly workshop to order your own kit for $19.95 plus S&T.
Happy Crafting,

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Welcome Home!

Here we are half way through July, half way through the summer, and with almost nothing to show for it.  :)

Well, not nothing, we have been on two vacations.  I have cleaned the house top to bottom (although it needs it again).  But we haven't been to the pool yet and more importantly I have not finished one layout for Son's baby book!  And today was not a good day, so instead of working on a layout I read through the longest nap time ever!

Here is a synapsis of the past horribly busy week.  On Tuesdays I try to recapture my youth and love of horses by taking riding lessons at a local barn.  Last Tuesday I fell off.  Not that this is NOT un-common, in fact for a while there it has been very common place for me to come home covered in sand from taking a fall in the arena.  I usually ride a very nice sweet guy that is young and slightly green!  Meaning that we are scared of everything.  He is also stubborn so we lock heads a lot.  Anyway.... Last Tuesday I came off again and landed on my elbow.... it hurt!  On Wednesday I found out the I cracked my humorous and have to be in a sling for 3 weeks.  Then we headed off to visit my parents and I dealt with the disappointment with lots of Advil and naps. We drove back yesterday and got home just in time for a pizza dinner.  Then Husband who had to work early this morning goes to take a shower and ..... NO HOT Water and the water heater is leaking!!!  Oh No!

So today I have waited around for the "Men" to take out the old broken one and install a new one.  Then I took Daughter to her 5 year check up and the big dog to her annual check up and then finally got to get the food shopping done and started the laundry.  What a welcome home!

On a better note, my preview order from the new catalog arrives tomorrow and I am extremely excited!!!!  Want to know more... Contact me!  Until then here is a great video about the state of CTMH from headquarters.

Happy Crafting!!!  Hopefully the rest of the week will find me more creative!


Monday, July 8, 2013

Working through my stash!

Happy Monday!

First off I have posted new classes on the classes page so please stop by!

Second I have been working through the older WOTG that I have lying around and I thought I would share with you the ones that I have completed so far.

The first two are from Buzz and Bumble:

And then Dakota.  I didn't like the additional layout so I am looking for a replacement or two if anyone has any ideas.
I know you are probably thinking:  Where are the pictures?  Well I have found that when I only have a hour or so to work that I am much better creating from a template like the WOTG or adding pictures to a layout that is practically finished.  However, I will create my own originals if I have more time in a single sitting or over many shorter sitting all in a row.  However until next week neither one of those is going to happen!  :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New Catalog and July Constant Campaign!

  I know two posts in one day, *GASP*!  The Fall / Winter Catalogs showed this morning while I was out getting fabric for the other post of the day.  I have already gone through and am really excited to share some great projects with you.  However you will have to wait until August 1st to order, but keep checking back in the next couple of weeks for some great new crafting ideas.  And keep reading for a sneak peak into the new catalog!  But first, during the month of July you can get the Canvas Art WOTG for 50% off!  That's only $19.95!
Now the new Idea Book/ Catalog! 
There are so many new things to talk about!  Six great new paper packs!  Chantilly, For Always, Tommy, and Surfs up are the carry over packs.  But there is no "school" themed pack this year so if you need some get your scholastic while you can!  There are fabulous new WTOG kits, along with two great card kits, and one Décor kit (shown below).
There are also some new stamps, new accessories, and new textiles.  And the new jewelry!  Yep now you can use sparkles and the textiles to make your own jewelry. There is also a new cricut cartridge, Artbooking!  And if you like to SMASH!  you will love the new My Crush collection.
There is so much more!

Keep a look out in the next week for a post about an open house to go over all the new stuff in the Idea Book.  Please let me know if you are interested.  Or you can shop online after 8/1/13 here.


Window Seat! DONE!

Ok so I made a major milestone today:  I finished the pillows for the window seat (learn more here and here).  I picked up some coordinating fabric this morning and finished sewing them this afternoon (I love Summer).  I still need to get books out of the basement and onto the shelves but that is going to take me forever!  So here is the final (?) touch to the seat:
Here are the pillows that I did today!  I meant for the squares to be the same fabric and the long on to be the other but I had issues with my fabric cutting, see below.

Here is the lovely seat (at least I think so) with the pillows.

Close up of the fabrics all together.

I used the directions here for the square pillows, it was really easy to follow and came out looking great.  However, this is where my measurements were off.  She says to make the length 1.5 times the length of the pillow, well I had an 18 in pillow so I figured 27 inches.  So I got 1 yard of the floral fabric for 2 square pillows (27x2=54 width of the décor fabric bolts), and 1/2 yard of the paisley for the long pillow.  Well I started to cut out my fabric and I realized that the 36 inches barely provided for any overlap, and I was lucky because she cut the paisley at 19 1/2 inches instead of 18.  So if you try this at home I would do 2.5 times the width of the pillow form, which is what I ended up doing.  On a side note until 7/7/13 Joanne Fabrics has the 54 in décor fabrics on sale for 50% off.

For the long pillow I used the general directions found here.  However, I made my own piping following the techniques that I used on the cushion not on the bias.

I hope that you are enjoying this rainy day.  There will be another post today so stay tuned!!!!!
