Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shower Invites and A New Idea Book

It is snowing outside and the schools are out for the day. 

While I am not spending my snow day crafting (too much school papers to grade), I have found some time in the last couple of weeks to make the invitations to a good friends baby shower.  I found the idea on the Cricut idea center here.  The theme is Sugar and Spice so I changed the colors to pinks.

There were 38 of them when I was finished!  I couldn't have done it without my Cricut!

I printed all the info on the insert using my regular laser printer.  You just have to make sure that the card stock is lined up exactly right.

A close-up of the cutest shoes on the front.  And while intense to put together, I was very happy with the results.

As an added detail I also stamped the envelope!

For colors I used blush and hollyhock ink and white daisy, topiary, blush and smoothie cardstock.
I have a CCR file, if you want it let me know.
In other news the new idea book is here and you too can get one!  Orders can start Feb 1!  Go to my webpage starting on the 1st to see all the great new products!
Happy Crafting!

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