Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Welcome Home!

Here we are half way through July, half way through the summer, and with almost nothing to show for it.  :)

Well, not nothing, we have been on two vacations.  I have cleaned the house top to bottom (although it needs it again).  But we haven't been to the pool yet and more importantly I have not finished one layout for Son's baby book!  And today was not a good day, so instead of working on a layout I read through the longest nap time ever!

Here is a synapsis of the past horribly busy week.  On Tuesdays I try to recapture my youth and love of horses by taking riding lessons at a local barn.  Last Tuesday I fell off.  Not that this is NOT un-common, in fact for a while there it has been very common place for me to come home covered in sand from taking a fall in the arena.  I usually ride a very nice sweet guy that is young and slightly green!  Meaning that we are scared of everything.  He is also stubborn so we lock heads a lot.  Anyway.... Last Tuesday I came off again and landed on my elbow.... it hurt!  On Wednesday I found out the I cracked my humorous and have to be in a sling for 3 weeks.  Then we headed off to visit my parents and I dealt with the disappointment with lots of Advil and naps. We drove back yesterday and got home just in time for a pizza dinner.  Then Husband who had to work early this morning goes to take a shower and ..... NO HOT Water and the water heater is leaking!!!  Oh No!

So today I have waited around for the "Men" to take out the old broken one and install a new one.  Then I took Daughter to her 5 year check up and the big dog to her annual check up and then finally got to get the food shopping done and started the laundry.  What a welcome home!

On a better note, my preview order from the new catalog arrives tomorrow and I am extremely excited!!!!  Want to know more... Contact me!  Until then here is a great video about the state of CTMH from headquarters.

Happy Crafting!!!  Hopefully the rest of the week will find me more creative!


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