Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Window Seat! DONE!

Ok so I made a major milestone today:  I finished the pillows for the window seat (learn more here and here).  I picked up some coordinating fabric this morning and finished sewing them this afternoon (I love Summer).  I still need to get books out of the basement and onto the shelves but that is going to take me forever!  So here is the final (?) touch to the seat:
Here are the pillows that I did today!  I meant for the squares to be the same fabric and the long on to be the other but I had issues with my fabric cutting, see below.

Here is the lovely seat (at least I think so) with the pillows.

Close up of the fabrics all together.

I used the directions here for the square pillows, it was really easy to follow and came out looking great.  However, this is where my measurements were off.  She says to make the length 1.5 times the length of the pillow, well I had an 18 in pillow so I figured 27 inches.  So I got 1 yard of the floral fabric for 2 square pillows (27x2=54 width of the décor fabric bolts), and 1/2 yard of the paisley for the long pillow.  Well I started to cut out my fabric and I realized that the 36 inches barely provided for any overlap, and I was lucky because she cut the paisley at 19 1/2 inches instead of 18.  So if you try this at home I would do 2.5 times the width of the pillow form, which is what I ended up doing.  On a side note until 7/7/13 Joanne Fabrics has the 54 in décor fabrics on sale for 50% off.

For the long pillow I used the general directions found here.  However, I made my own piping following the techniques that I used on the cushion not on the bias.

I hope that you are enjoying this rainy day.  There will be another post today so stay tuned!!!!!


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