Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Starting out

So I am going to try this blogging thing.  First I will introduce myself, I am a mom of 2, a middle school Life Science teacher, a Close to My Heart consultant and avid crafter.  I have been a crafter since I was little.  I cross stitch, make hair bows, scrapbook and other paper crafts, and everything else under the sun.  Hence the name of the blog,  I like variety even in my crafting.  Most of the time posts here will be about my paper crafting habit (my current obsession), however I am going to start off with a post that gives insight into my personality..... I am totally type A.

For example, my goal this spring is sprucing up my house, and I do not mean just spring cleaning.  I am on an organizing kick and with the kids getting older (4 and 3.5) and "work" always coming home from pre-school we have a nightmare of paper work.  So one of my first areas to work on was the kitchen and all the stuff that accumulates there because it is where we live but it always looks messy.  My darling husband, J, is kind enough to do all the wood working for me.  So with the help of Pinterest and Google I came up with a plan to tackle the kitchen.  Not all of it is done yet but I will give you a sneak peak on the first of the projects:  a Gallery Wall for the kids art work!  Daughter is always painting and drawing (wonder where she gets that) and our fridge was always covered from top to bottom in finished pieces (not to mention the stack I have upstairs because I cannot throw anything out).  Well a messy fridge makes a messy looking kitchen so........

Ta Da!
I got the idea from Pinterest and have linked to the original from my Pin.  I will post my solution for all the winter gear when I get a good picture in the day light.


  1. Love it!!!! And are those our class projects hanging in Izzy's section?

    1. They are! She had other art work up there earlier, but it was overflowing almost immediately. I had to clean it up for the picture.
