Friday, June 28, 2013

Project Pantry

A while back, March!, I had goals about organizing my life and house.  Hubby had some projects and I did too.  We revisited our garage entry, the household command center was created, and the kids got their very own gallery wall

Well then I got really busy at school and I put a lot of things on hold.  But now that Summer Vaca. is here I have had some time to finish a couple projects.  I am going to talk today about the Pantry!

I didn't get a good before picture, but about half way through emptying the pantry I snapped these:
 In the picture below you can see that we have tried to organize before.  The racks on the inside of the door are all our spices and then below are the boxes of wraps.
 This is what I had taken out already. 

So my first step was to clean out the entire pantry.  It was a lot.  Every available surface in my kitchen was covered!

Here is a better angle of the spice racks on the inside of the door.  We got these several years ago at the container store.  I would love a shopping spree in that store.  :)

 Here is everything removed!

And Tadaaa! The new and improved pantry!

OK!  So I went through all the bottles and boxes and threw out everything that was old and expired.  I put the few cans that we had onto a new 2 layer lazy susan.  Then I organzed according to type: snacks, oil and vinager, bulk items, breakfast items and breads.  Our pantry also holds the everyday linens for the table such as napkins and placemats.  I moved these down to a lower level so that my pint sized helpers could actually reach them.
I also moved the kids snacks down to a reachable level and the dog gear and medications up out of reach.  Then I installed some sink baskets and command hooks to either side of the door to hold lunch boxes as shown below and seasoning packets (didn't get a picture).

Overall I am really impressed with the new pantry, It definitely looks better.  Now if only I can get Hubs to use it.  :)

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