Thursday, May 2, 2013

Well, we are almost there!

As you know my goal this spring was to organize and beautify my house.  We did the kids school stuff, and the kitchen counter clutter, and all the daily paperwork.  I also decided this spring that it was time to take a new look at our master bedroom.  I have wanted a window seat, well, FOREVER!!!  The idea of curling up with a good book in front of a window really sounds like heaven to me.  I had pseudo ones after college in my first apartment and in high school by pushing the bed under the window.  And then I have been making due in this house with first a bag chair on the deck and then once our office was complete there is a comfy chair in front of a window there.  However, these were sad attempts.  Well, last night dear Husband final put the finishing touches on my new window seat in my own master bedroom!!!

Now, while he may be done with it, I am not!  I need to get/make curtains, a cushion, some big fluffy pillows, and put all my books on the shelves (we built shelves in the office and I still have books in storage downstairs, I may need an intervention.  :) )  Anyway,  for those looking for ideas here is the process!
Before, but with the carpet removed and the tools laid out!

The frame!

The seat.  The middle portion of the seat opens!

One set of shelves!

Other set of shelves

Oh! The in-bench storage!

With the beginnings of trim.

Painting for DAYS!!!! I actually helped with this part.  :)

All painted with the "door holes" cut in the face.  Oh and notice the NEW blinds!

The painted cubbies (or boy cages, Just kidding!  Although I did close him in just once to see if he fit  : )  ).  Yes they do have lights in them with magnetic switches. Husband doesn't know how to do anything halfway.
And here you have the current state of the bedroom.  Got the totes at Costco for $20 for 3.  Wish it had been 4, but I am thinking of a way to make it still look symmetrical.  The doors took forever to get here and then had to be painted but I think it was worth the wait.  Now, I just need to make a decision on fabrics and find some time to sew!  I will share when it is all done but it might not be until after school is OUT!


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